But did you know that drinking only a small amount of soda can be harmful to your health?
Despite this, nearly half of Americans report drinking soda every. single. day.
Why is soda so bad for you?
Here are 15 Ways Soda is Slowly Killing You
1) Let’s start with the sugar.
One can of soda contains a whopping 10 teaspoons of sugar! It is recommended that adults consume only 6 teaspoons of sugar in an entire day, and that children consume only 3-5 teaspoons per day. This means that when a small child drinks just one can of soda, he is consuming more than 3 times his daily allowance of sugar!
Sugar-sweetened beverages have been shown to increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Click here to read about the many reasons sugar is harmful to your health.
2) Caffeine
Most sodas contain caffeine, which is particularly harmful to children. Caffeine can cause problems such as irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, sleep problems, irritability, and headache.
3) What About Diet Soda?
In diet sodas, aspartame replaces the sugar. But what most people don’t realize is that aspartame can be even more harmful than sugar! Although still controversial, aspartame is linked to almost a hundred different health problems including seizures, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit disorders, and diabetes.
4) Obesity
This study showed a significant association between drinking soda (even diet soda) and being obese. And this study showed that both children and adults who drank sugar-sweetened beverages were more likely to be overweight and obese. In fact the more they drank, the more likely they were to be overweight. Many more studies have shown the link between soda consumption and obesity.
5) Heart Disease
Drinking diet soft drinks has been associated with an increased risk of vascular events (such as stroke and heart attack).
6) Empty calories
There is absolutely no nutritional value to soda whatsoever. And it doesn’t make you feel full, so you’ll still end up eating the same amount of food.
7) Dehydration
The caffeine in soda is a diuretic. Diuretics cause you to urinate more frequently, which can lead to dehydration.
8) BPA
Soda cans are lined with the chemical BPA, which is linked to numerous health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, and reproductive problems.
9) Weak Bones & Teeth
Soda contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and can lead to osteoporosis and dental problems.
10) Depression
This study showed that drinking sweetened beverages is a risk factor for depression among high school students.
11) Kidney Damage
This study showed that drinking soda is associated with a decline in kidney function in women.
12) Dental enamel erosion
The amount of acid in soda is enough to wear away the enamel of our teeth.
13) The Crash
About 60 minutes after you drink a soda, your elevated blood sugar will begin to crash. At this point you’ll probably start craving another sugary drink or snack.
14) Liver disease
Your liver metabolizes the high fructose corn syrup in soda. So excessive amounts may contribute to fatty liver disease.
15) Asthma
This study showed that drinking soda increases your risk of developing asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
Healthy Alternatives to Soda
- Water- if this is too boring for you, try adding any of these yummy flavors
- Iced tea sweetened with honey or stevia
- Lemonade sweetened with honey or stevia
- A smoothie made with fruit and coconut milk, kefir or laban
- Fruit juice mixed with carbonated water (without additives)