Until recently, PMS was regarded by the medical community as an imaginary disease. I can’t help but wonder, if men were to suffer every month from severe cramps, bloating, headaches, joint pain, constipation, fatigue, and depression…. would PMS be dismissed as “all in the head”?! It is estimated that as many as 85% of all women suffer from PMS at one time or another. So you are not alone! Read on to learn about Natural Relief for PMS.

If you prefer to listen rather than read, you can checkout my PMS Masterclass course which can be found on YouTube…
Common symptoms of PMS that occur in the week or two preceding menstruation are:
Emotional and behavioral signs and symptoms may include:
- Tension or anxiety
- Depressed mood
- Crying spells
- Mood swings and irritability or anger
- Appetite changes and food cravings
- Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)
- Social withdrawal
- Poor concentration
Physical signs and symptoms may include:
- Joint or muscle pain
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Weight gain related to fluid retention
- Abdominal bloating
- Breast tenderness
- Acne flare-ups
- Constipation or diarrhea (source: Mayo Clinic)
What can cause PMS?
There can be more than one cause, and there may be different causes in different people. But some causes may include:
- hormonal imbalance (too much estrogen and not enough progesterone).
- poor diet leading to vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies.
- unstable blood sugar levels.
- a sluggish liver which is unable to break down hormones and cleansing the body of toxins.
- food allergies (such as gluten or dairy).
What can cause too much estrogen in your system?
Too much estrogen in your system can be caused by reduced estrogen clearance by the liver. If you suffer from constipation, this could be contributing to old estrogen being reabsorbed.
Or there may be extra estrogens and estrogen-mimicking chemicals coming in from dietary sources, such as dairy products and foods packaged in plastic.
So when it comes to managing your PMS symptoms, why not just pop a pill and be done with it, you may ask? Why bother myself with all of these dietary and lifestyles changes?
Well, unfortunately the medications usually used to treat PMS symptoms come with scary side effects, such as irritation or bleeding of the stomach or intestinal lining, liver damage, and trouble sleeping, just to name a few.
Natural Relief for PMS Step 1: A Nourishing Diet
The first step is to eat whole, nutrient-dense foods as often as possible. This includes lots of veggies and fruits (organic if possible), and especially those leafy greens. Try to choose complex carbs over refined carbs (complex carbs are found in vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruit). It’s also essential to make sure you’re drinking enough water every day.
When your body is lacking in the following nutrients, PMS symptoms can become intense:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Vitamins K and E
- B vitamins
- Anti-oxidants (foods rich in vitamin C, E and selenium
So some of the foods you can incorporate into your diet in order to get these nutrients inshAllah include:

- Calcium-rich foods, such as raw milk, broccoli, cooked kale, yogurt, and sardines
- High-fiber foods (which bind to estrogen and helping your body eliminate it)
- Leafy greens (great source of magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K
- Flaxseeds (promote healthy estrogen metabolism)
- Wild-caught fish
- Avocado (healthy fats plus a bunch of other nutrients to help combat PMS)
- Eggs, garlic, onions, and beans are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids
- Probiotic-rich foods, such as kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi
- Turmeric– powerful antioxidant, detoxifies, stabilized mood, eases cramps
Foods to Avoid which trigger PMS:
Sugar should be avoided, especially in the week before symptoms are expected. Cut the caffeine, otherwise studies show that you are 4x more likely than others to have severe PMS. Try to eat fewer dairy products, which may block the absorption of magnesium (yogurt is often ok). Avoid processed foods, fast foods, red meats, and too much salt.
Many people have trouble digesting gluten and dairy, and eating these foods can contribute to an inflammatory state.
Natural Relief for PMS Step 2: Exercise

Walking can be very helpful, even if only half a mile to a mile per day. Movement helps keep hormone levels stable and helps your body eliminate toxins and absorb nutrients.
Natural Relief for PMS Step 3: A Healthy Lifestyle
- Good quality sleep
- Countering the effects of stress with things like reading Qur’an, spending time in nature, practicing deep breathing exercises, and making time for something you love each day.
- Use your PMS symptoms to help you get in touch with your inner self. The root of PMS can often be traced to how we view our woman self and the negative images of our menstrual cycle that have been imprinted in our subconscious.
- Get your thyroid checked: a significant number of women who suffer from PMS have some sort of thyroid dysfunction.
Natural Relief for PMS Step 4: Correct Your Alignment
Many women have found relief from their PMS symptoms by correcting their alignment and practicing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. A great place to start is Katy Bowman’s site NutritiousMovement.com. She has a wonderful downloadable course called “Nutritious Movement for a Healthy Pelvis” which you can find here.
The Power of our Minds: Changing the Script
Look at this time of month as an opportunity to rest and take care of yourself. This monthly process is a sign pointing to the miraculous processes of childbirth! So rather than focusing on the negative, let this time of shedding be a reminder of your own self-renewal. Ask yourself, what is it that I need to let go of in this cycle? What is it that is no longer serving me, that is getting in the way of me living more mindfully and as the best possible version of myself?

Supplements for PMS
- Vitex (chasteberry) (240 mg daily) helps balance estrogen/ progesterone ratios.
- Vitamin B6 (100 mg daily) participates in estrogen metabolism.
- Natural Progesterone Cream(1/4 tsp, 10 mg daily)This may help balance hormones. Doctors often suggest starting after ovulation and using until the day before your period begins.
- Magnesium (250 mg 2x daily) can help relieve cramping and participates in the metabolism of estrogen. Use a magnesium spray on the skin, or take magnesium glycinate.
- Probiotics: Especially Acidophilus which breaks down metabolites of estrogen.
- Vitamin D/K2 helps with the uptake of calcium and magnesium.
- Omega-3
- Melatonin: research shows that some women who suffer from PMS may be deficient in melatonin, a hormone secreted at night.
- L-glutamine can help reduce food cravings
- Evening Primrose Oil: reduces PMS symptoms
Herbs for PMS include:

There are so many herbs which can help to relieve symptoms of PMS, for example:
- Dandelion root and leaf: stimulates and detoxifies the liver, which can help promote estrogen metabolism during PMS.
- Nettle: helps with cramps and bloating, is a natural blood builder, can reduce the length of your period and make your flow lighter.
- Ashwagandha: can reduce stress and anxiety and decrease the abnormal food cravings some women experience.
- Holy basil (tulsi): reduces stress and anxiety, is high in iron.
- Licorice root: alleviates cramps, raises progesterone levels.
- Ginger: soothes menstrual cramps and calms the stomach
- Oat straw leaf: a great source of calcium and magnesium.
- Chamomile: eases cramping and improves mood.
- Raspberry leaf: helps balance hormones and aids in relieving cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
- Marshmallow root: reduces bloating and water retention.
Essential Oils for PMS
For example, you can try clary sage oil, cypress oil, lavender oil, or ylang ylang oil.
Mix 2-3 drops with a carrier oil and rub on your lower abdomen. After that, apply a warm compress for 2-5 minutes.
Mizan Therapy
Mizan therapy is a traditional reproductive healing technique which can help with PMS, infertility, PCOS, menopause, and many other conditions. I have personally tried it and found it to be incredibly beneficial. You can find a Mizan practitioner near you at this site.

Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil packs can help detoxify your liver naturally and support your uterine and ovarian health. They can also improve your lymphatic circulation, and reduce inflammation.
For instructions on how to apply a castor oil pack, check out this post from Wellness Mama.