Just a few of the ingredients found in vaccines include formaldehyde, aluminum, thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative), antibiotics, 2-Phenoxyethoanol, FD&C Yellow #6 dye, and monkey kidney cells (yes, I’m serious).
It’s also an unfortunate reality that in today’s modern society, we are exposed to heavy metals on a daily basis. This includes air pollution, plastics, aluminum cans and aluminum foil, industrial cleaning agents, batteries, metal cookware, old paint, and even the foods we eat.
Exposure to metals (such as mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and lead) can cause what’s called “heavy metal toxicity”.
Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity can include:
- Fatigue, feeling sluggish all the time
- Migraines
- Joint pain
- Brain fog, poor memory and difficulty focusing
- Constipation and other digestive issues
- Nervousness, depression, anxiety, and other mood issues
- Difficulty sleeping
- Yeast and bacterial overgrowth
- Eczema and other skin eruptions
Who Should Detox?
Anyone, and especially those who have received vaccines in the past, can benefit from a detox. Even more so for those who suffer from any of the above symptoms, auto-immune disorders, have a family history of dementia, or children with autism or ADD/ADHD.
Note: I don’t want to overwhelm anyone here by making you feel that you have to follow everything on this list. In fact, just something simple like adding more cilantro to your diet is going to be of great benefit inshAllah. These are just suggestions and you can do whatever is easy and available to you. Allah has given us so many healing remedies alhamdulillah and these are just some that you can use!
How to Detox Safely
Before beginning your detox, it’s a good idea to evaluate how well you (or your child) are processing toxins. Ask yourself these questions…
- Do you sweat a lot?
- Do you have a bowel movement every day?
If not, you can do a digestive tract cleanse before beginning your detox, so that your body will have the ability to remove toxins efficiently. Otherwise, you may end up overloading your liver, pancreas, and colon. This cleanse may be performed gently by doing the following:
- Cleanse the digestive system by adding fresh organic vegetable and fruit juices into the diet. Also add pre- and probiotics to your diet. (Read more here about probiotics)
- Cleanse the liver by adding the following to the diet-
- Turmeric. Read more here about the benefits of turmeric, and find a recipe for my favorite Golden Milk.
- Milk thistle (where to buy). Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D. recommends here a dosage for children of 5-10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.
- Dandelion tea (where to buy). Dandelion is a very safe and effective herb which aids the liver in removing toxins. It is generally thought of as safe for children.
- Eat potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, potatoes, watermelon, pomegranate, and beets.
- Turmeric. Read more here about the benefits of turmeric, and find a recipe for my favorite Golden Milk.
OK, let’s get going! Now we can begin our detox…
Detoxing through the skin
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. Use these techniques to gently pull metals, chemicals, and other toxins from the body.
Epsom salts, magnesium flakes, or bentonite clay in your bath water will draw metals and other toxins from your body through the skin. This can be done 2-3 days per week.
- Add 1/2 cup of salts to your child’s lukewarm bath, or to a foot bath. Optional: add 2 tablespoons of baking soda
- If your child weighs 60 pounds (27 kg) or more, use 1 cup.
- For babies under 6 months, use only 1/4 cup. Always make sure your little one doesn’t swallow the water.
- You can also add a couple drops of a detoxifying essential oil, such as lavender, tea tree, lemon or grapefruit (all safe for small children), peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus or cilantro. To avoid skin irritation, essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before adding to your bath water. Mix 5-20 drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of a carrier oil (such as coconut, olive, almond, sunflower, or jojoba oil) and then add to your bath water.
Skin Brushing
Gently brush the skin (always in the direction of the heart) before each bath with a skin brush like this one. This aids in the process of detoxification by moving the blood and lymph fluids back to the center of the body.
Lymphatic Massage
Massaging the lymph nodes can help the lymphatic system to removes toxins from the body. Here’s a quick video on how to do it.
Go outside and work up a good sweat. This shouldn’t be a problem here in Riyadh!
Detoxing through the digestive system
Chlorella is a micro-algae which bonds to heavy metals and chemicals in the body. It can be found in tablet/capsule form or powder form. The powder form can be added to smoothies, a good choice for children. Taking chlorella with garlic is a great way to detox faster and more efficiently.
Cilantro is inexpensive, but also safe and highly effective in eliminating mercury, lead, and other heavy metals from your organs. It even crosses the blood-brain barrier to remove metals there.
- You can juice it, or chop it and add it to foods.
- If you’re having a hard time getting your child to eat cilantro, you can try boiling fresh cilantro & using the resultant “cilantro tea” in various meals (such as in cooking rice).
- I love adding cilantro to my salads and favorite recipes.
This Avocado Dressing is one of my favorites foods which I put on practically everything (eggs, chicken & rice, salad, as a dip for raw veggies, etc).
- I also love throwing together a quick homemade salsa to keep in the fridge. You can use chopped fresh tomatoes, fresh cilantro, any kind of onion, lemon juice, cumin, and salt. If I have time I’ll also add some fresh garlic and jalapeño pepper.
- You can make a cilantro extract at home (learn how here).
- You can also create a cilantro detox bath by adding 6-7 drops of cilantro
essential oil.
Juice fresh, organic vegetables and fruits. Try to consume at least one drink per day. Add some fruit for sweetness, but try to make the bulk of the drink from veggies, such as cucumber, carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, cabbage, celery, and kale.
Omega 3 Oil
The high vitamin A content of cod liver oil or krill oil helps the body detox. I have given my kids this one and this one (the cinnamon flavor). Here’s another one in liquid form.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps counteract the damage of heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins. I always prefer to get my vitamins through food but since we’re detoxing, adding a supplement can be beneficial.
Garlic is a rich source of sulfur, an element that builds glutathione, which in turn binds toxins.
Horsetail tea
Horsetail (where to buy) is a well documented heavy metal chelation herb. It’s a great source of silica and helps our body get rid of aluminum and other heavy metals. It gently pull toxins out of the tissues and into the blood stream to be eliminated from the body.
Side effects of detox
You or your child may experience some mild side-effects during a detox, known as a “healing crisis.” This may include irritability, loose stools, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms. More commonly, however, you’ll experience no side effects at all inshAllah.
Other ways to keep your environment free of toxins:
Now that we did all that work at clearing our bodies of toxins, let’s keep it that way!
- Eat organic as much as possible.
- Eat a clean diet, free of processed foods, refined grains, dyes, and chemicals.
- Drink lots of high quality water so that your child’s kidneys and colon can effectively flush out toxins. I use and love the Berkey water filter.
- Avoid soda, conventional dairy, and sugary juices. Also try to avoid plastic water bottles.
- Breathe clean air. Surround yourself with plants which purify the air. Consider an air purifier for your house. You can also use Himalayan salt lamps and pure beeswax candles to purify the air.
- Rid your house of toxic products, such as toxic cleaning solutions, laundry detergents, dryer sheets, fabric softeners, perfumes, etc
- As always, make sure you and your child get plenty of sunshine and sleep, so your immune system can operate at its best.
- Connecting bare feet to the earth (known as “earthing”) also helps your body to detox. It can improve organ function, reduce stress and inflammation, and promote a deeper sleep.
For How long should you detox?
Complete this treatment for two weeks. The detox can be performed every 3 months or so.
As Salaamu Alaikum Dr. Laura, thank you so much for this. May Allah bless you with the best in this life and the next Ameen!
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
It’s my pleasure sweetie 💗
جزاك الله خيرا
Dr. Laura this is Anamar from KFMC hope u can still remember me. I’m following your articles now. Jazzakallahu khair
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Yes of course I remember you dear, I hope you are doing well and thanks so much for the comment!
Wa eeyaki 🌹